Halle Berry asked for a higher fee for Revlon advertisements after winning the Academy Award, and Ron Perleman, the cosmetics firms chief congratulated Berry, saying how happy he was that Berry modelled for his company. Halle Berry replied: "Of course, you'll have to pay me more." Perleman stalked off with rage. Berrry' win at the Academy Awards led to two famous "Oscar moments."
In accepting her award, Halle gave an acceptance speech honoring previous black actresses who had never had the opportunity. Halle said "This moment is so much bigger than me. This is for every nameless, faceless woman of colour who now has a chance tonight because this door has been opened."
1 year later, as Halle Berry presented the Best Actor award, winner Adrien Brody ran on stage and, instead of giving her the standard peck on the cheek, planted a long kiss on Berry.
Lucy Liu
Hija de inmigrantes chinos, la neoyorkina vivió en un departamento infestado de cucarachas y trabajó en una fábrica de pijamas a los once años. Hoy en día es una de las actrices norteamericanas de origen asiático más importantes de Hollywood.
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